Grant Writing

Waco Transit System Low/No Emissions Fleet Transition Plan

Waco Transit System | Low/No Emissions Fleet Transition Plan Waco, Texas In an effort to build a competitive edge for Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) funding, ATG | DCCM assisted Waco Transit System with development of a Low/No Emissions Fleet Transition Plan. To develop recommendations, the project team developed a summary-level comparison of viable technologies including diesel, hybrid, battery electric, hydrogen fuel cell and others to understand the benefits, risks, and life cycle costs to implement each alternative. The resulting analysis considered the range requirements of the current and future fixed route system for Waco to determine the best options for charging, recharging, and/or refueling along the routes. Following the alternatives analysis, ATG | DCCM conducted a detailed infrastructure assessment to understand the challenges associated with implementation given current property, energy capacity, and staff ability. With this information, the team led strategy planning sessions with key maintenance and operations staff, board members from Waco Transit, the City Council and MPO, as well as necessary planning sessions with the public and environmental groups. Following selection of an alternative, ATG | DCCM developed a final Fleet Transition Plan for Waco Transit System to submit as part of a FY2023 Low/No Emissions Grant from the Federal Transit Administration and future grant applications. Waco was awarded this grant in the FY 2023 awards cycle, receiving $3.1 million in FTA Section 5339 funding.

TxDOT Federal Affairs Division Grant Support and Development

TxDOT Federal Affairs Division | Grant Support and Development, WA 2 & 3 Statewide, Texas As a major part of a consultant team, ATG | DCCM is assisting the TxDOT Federal Affairs Division with developing applications for federal discretionary grant programs including: Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD), Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA), Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE), and Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT). This project includes four major ATG | DCCM tasks: Reviewing potential projects submitted for federal funding. This task includes reviewing projects submitted by TxDOT districts and offices for eligibility requirements outlined in the federal funding notices and to ensure alignment with broader agency goals and objectives. Preparing grant applications for selected projects that meet eligibility requirements. ATG | DCCM prepared a PROTECT grant application for a Statewide Flood Warning System valued at $3.4 million in 2023. Project justification through analyses in support of grant applications including economic impact analyses, travel demand forecasts, sensitivity analyses, and other economic analyses as appropriate. In 2021, ATG | DCCM supported the preparation of a successful RAISE grant application for “The Loop – Trinity Forest Spine Trail in Dallas.” The grant funds will be used to complete a 50-mile urban trail in the City of Dallas. Supporting the development of a “project pipeline” – a dashboard tool that will filter the strongest projects into the pool of potential applications to create a more efficient process to identify projects that will be strong candidates for Federal Grants programs. In addition to the tasks identified above, ATG | DCCM planners and data analysts are using their expertise in FAST Act performance measures to identify and report project outcomes in terms of national goals and performance management requirements that form the basis for the grant project selection process. ATG | DCCM is also providing program level opinions of probable cost and then using this information in conjunction with project analysis to perform a benefit cost analysis (BCA) using BUILD grant criteria.

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