Staying Ahead of San Antonio’s Rapidly Changing Traffic Demands
San Antonio, Texas
ATG | DCCM led the development of schematic alternatives and environmental documents produced to improve access to US 281 in the City of San Antonio. The schematic development evaluated multiple alternatives including conventional and alternative design options.
ATG | DCCM coordinated with TxDOT and project stakeholders to understand traffic conditions in the area, as well as constraints and roadway characteristics. Traffic models were used to identify traffic issues at the intersections, with an additional nine intersections along Basse Rd and Jones Maltsberger Rd through Alamo Heights being included in the analytics. ATG | DCCM also performed a crash analysis using three years of available data from the TxDOT CRIS system.
Once the existing deficiencies and safety issues were identified, ATG | DCCM held an Alternatives Workshop to brainstorm solutions to improve access and operations. Each proposed solution was evaluated by weighing environmental, right-of-way (ROW), operational, drainage, cost, and constructability constraints/impacts.
Improvements were ranked based on implementable, low-cost improvements to high cost, long-term solutions. Solutions were presented to TxDOT and the City of San Antonio to identify the preferred alternative that will move forward into the schematic and environmental clearance processes. The video below illustrates the recommended alternative.