Travel Demand Modeling
Forecasting for transportation improvements
ATG | DCCM offers indispensable traffic and ridership forecasts utilizing advanced traffic demand modeling, catering to every phase of project development, from regional analysis to project prioritization. Our expertise in traffic demand modeling allows us to offer comprehensive support for feasibility studies, environmental analysis, project design, operational and economic assessments, and evaluating alternatives. Our travel demand models (TDMs) enable decision-makers to comprehend how existing travel patterns evolve as their region grows and measures the transportation benefits of planned projects.
With decades of experience and profound expertise in the development and application of travel demand models for transportation planning, ATG | DCCM is renowned as the architect of acclaimed statewide models in Arkansas and Texas. We have pioneered generations of advanced urban models for MPOs, customized to meet their specific needs. Our highly skilled team of travel demand modelers has delivered innovative solutions, including a national long-distance model designed, programmed, calibrated, and delivered in just nine months.
This experience allows ATG | DCCM to provide immediate value and results to any traffic demand modeling needs you may have, whether developing additional model components or applying a current TDM to test policy initiatives or growth scenarios.
Trust us to manage the complexities of your project, so you can focus on achieving your vision with confidence. Explore our tailored local solutions or see DCCM’s comprehensive services that can make your project a success.
Toll feasibility/traffic & revenue studies
Freight forecasting
Transit forecasting
Passenger rail & high speed rail ridership forecasting
Forecasts for operational analysis
Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) models
Air quality analysis
Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSAT)
Project prioritization & performance measures
Bike & ped (active transportation)