Getting Houstonians In and Out of Downtown
Getting Houstonians In and Out of Downtown Houston, Texas The North Houston Highway Improvement Program (NHHIP) addresses major freeway improvements in Harris County, Texas. This $6 billion project includes over 20 miles of freeway reconstruction and realignment on Interstate 45 North to deliver a more efficient flow of traffic into and out of downtown Houston and in the future. Planned improvements on this project not only address highway congestion but also improve multimodal transportation including bicycle and pedestrian features, along with opportunities for development to connect to downtown. The goal of the I-45 NHHIP is to provide a safer highway with additional capacity for projected traffic demand by incorporating transit opportunities, travel demand strategies, and flexible operations. ATG | DCCM is building the traffic models, forecasting traffic demand, analyzing and predicting crashes, and evaluating operational alternatives to ensure that the final recommended alternative meets the goal of the project and the needs of the area. At the conclusion, ATG | DCCM will provide Interstate Access Justification Report (IAJR), as required by the Federal Highway Administration for access changes to Interstate highways.