
Getting Houstonians In and Out of Downtown

Getting Houstonians In and Out of Downtown Houston, Texas The North Houston Highway Improvement Program (NHHIP) addresses major freeway improvements in Harris County, Texas. This $6 billion project includes over 20 miles of freeway reconstruction and realignment on Interstate 45 North to deliver a more efficient flow of traffic into and out of downtown Houston and in the future. Planned improvements on this project not only address highway congestion but also improve multimodal transportation including bicycle and pedestrian features, along with opportunities for development to connect to downtown. The goal of the I-45 NHHIP is to provide a safer highway with additional capacity for projected traffic demand by incorporating transit opportunities, travel demand strategies, and flexible operations. ATG | DCCM is building the traffic models, forecasting traffic demand, analyzing and predicting crashes, and evaluating operational alternatives to ensure that the final recommended alternative meets the goal of the project and the needs of the area. At the conclusion, ATG | DCCM will provide Interstate Access Justification Report (IAJR), as required by the Federal Highway Administration for access changes to Interstate highways.

ATG | DCCM Traffic Specialists Help North Texas Motorists Through Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

ATG | DCCM Traffic Specialists Help North Texas Motorists Through Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Fort Worth District, Texas To provide motorists with reliable, cost-effective service with actionable information about changing traffic conditions and travel times, TxDOT’s Fort Worth District looked to ATG | DCCM for solutions. ATG | DCCM ITS specialists developed an Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Master Plan focused on improving the District’s overall safety and mobility. ATG | DCCM performed comprehensive existing conditions evaluations that identified congestion points and locations with high crash frequency. ATG | DCCM applied this information to strategically implement closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras, dynamic message signs (DMS), and vehicle sensors to enhance TxDOT’s ability to provide more accurate and useful information to motorists. Advance planning was also performed to address limited connectivity to the rural areas of the District through improved use of fiber optic cable and wireless communication prioritization. ATG | DCCM’s ITS Master Plan study delivered an ITS roadmap that allows TxDOT to efficiently become aware and reliably disseminate better information with more reliable travel times for motorists.

Staying Ahead of San Antonio’s Rapidly Changing Traffic Demands

Staying Ahead of San Antonio’s Rapidly Changing Traffic Demands San Antonio, Texas ATG | DCCM led the development of schematic alternatives and environmental documents produced to improve access to US 281 in the City of San Antonio. The schematic development evaluated multiple alternatives including conventional and alternative design options. ATG | DCCM coordinated with TxDOT and project stakeholders to understand traffic conditions in the area, as well as constraints and roadway characteristics. Traffic models were used to identify traffic issues at the intersections, with an additional nine intersections along Basse Rd and Jones Maltsberger Rd through Alamo Heights being included in the analytics. ATG | DCCM also performed a crash analysis using three years of available data from the TxDOT CRIS system. Once the existing deficiencies and safety issues were identified, ATG | DCCM held an Alternatives Workshop to brainstorm solutions to improve access and operations. Each proposed solution was evaluated by weighing environmental, right-of-way (ROW), operational, drainage, cost, and constructability constraints/impacts. Improvements were ranked based on implementable, low-cost improvements to high cost, long-term solutions. Solutions were presented to TxDOT and the City of San Antonio to identify the preferred alternative that will move forward into the schematic and environmental clearance processes. The video below illustrates the recommended alternative.

Improving Austin’s East Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd./FM969 Corridor

Improving Austin’s East Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. / FM969 Corridor Austin, Texas The City of Austin selected ATG | DCCM to develop safety, mobility, and connectivity improvements along East Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard/FM 969 Corridor Project from US 183 to Decker Lane. With funding for Austin’s current Corridor Construction Program, ATG | DCCM is developing prioritized, interim improvements to provide near-term benefit. ATG | DCCM also designed ultimate improvements to provide ongoing project implementation program along the roadway. Interim improvements include the design and construction of 8 ft shared-use paths on each side of the street, signage and striping, drainage, as well as street reconstruction and widening of a major intersection. Ultimate improvements include the complete design and reconstruction of the corridor widening roadway from 4-lanes with a center turn-lane to 6-lanes with a raised median, and shared-use paths in both directions.

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